Help Ukraine
Lately we have all been following the serious events that are happening in Ukraine and, considering the humanitarian crisis that is already affecting millions of people, in IBM Group we are not indifferent to this situation. The suspension of IBM’s business activity in Russia was recently announced and in parallel IBM has also been carrying out several actions:
- Aid to IBM Ukraine colleagues: IBM has created a map of aid offered by employees in other countries for IBM employees and families in Ukraine.
- Monetary donations: $250,000 to “People in Need” in the Czech Republic and $250,000 to “Polish Humanitarian Action” in Poland, two organizations that are providing critical support in areas heavily affected by the increasing number of refugees.
- Donation to the International Red Cross: IBM Corporation, together with its employees, has already raised $1M for donation to the International Red Cross.
We have joined the movement to help the refugees from Ukraine and in a more immediate perspective, we are carrying out a campaign to collect goods in our locations: Fundão, Lisboa, Portalegre, Tomar and Viseu.
We are also making available at the competent national entities, such as IEFP, more than 100 qualified job vacancies.
At this moment, we are already interviewing professionals who will join our team in the short term, and we believe they will be very well received in our teams. We share the link with some of the available positions: